commanders stressed that paying
The commanders stressed that paying salaries would attract the wrong kind of volunteers: mercenaries motivated by money. Instead, joining the CDF should emulate the arbakai and be seen as a civic duty to protect one’s own home and community. Keeping out the Taliban should itself be the reward. Whatever humanitarian or economic aid to be received should be distributed collectively to the community, not to individuals. Paying of salaries, moreover, would exacerbate divisions within the village, fostering resentment against those who enjoy regular payments by those who are not recruited. A paid militia would create jealousy within the community, pitting the haves against the have-nots. Finally, the Taliban was well- financed through their opium trade, extortion of businesses, taxes levied on farmers, and kidnappings. What if they came to the CDF and offered to pay more money than the government? สล็อตเว็บตรง